Our college is 50 years old, but its true history is even older. It goes back to the distant 1871. This year, near the future Krasnoarmeyka station in the Shakat tract, a Pavlodar boarding school for Kazakh boys was opened, where they received their first farming skills. However, the boarding school was closed due to insufficient funding from the treasury of the Kazakh Khanate. Instead, in 1888, on the initiative of the former Steppe Governor-General G.A.Kolpakovsky, a lower agricultural school was established. This school was maintained initially at the expense of the Kazakh population, especially the well-to-do part of it, and then with state funds. A temporary charter of the school was adopted, where it was prescribed to have a plot of land with an area of 600 dessiatines in the Shakat tract. Yurts should be installed on the site in the summer, where conditions for living and learning were created for students, meals were also organized here. According to the provisional charter, the school’s trustee was the local county chief. Since May 16, 1887, by order of the chief chief of the region, Leonid Vasilyevich Kirillov was appointed to the position of manager (director) of the boarding school first, and then of the school. He was an honorary citizen of Saratov, a graduate of the Saratov Mariinsky Land History College. In the newly formed school, the staff of teachers consisted of 10 people. According to the first set in 1888, there were 23 students. Russian Russian was divided into 3 groups: the older group of 6 people who could speak and write well in Russian; the middle group of 5 people who read a little and spoke Russian; the younger group of 12 people who did not speak Russian at all. All information about the students of this school has been preserved in the state archive of the Pavlodar region. The schedule for 1888 included subjects – independent reading, dictation writing, arithmetic operations, grammar exercises. The Kazakh language was not studied. In winter, practical classes were held in carpentry and shoemaking workshops. Summer classes of students began to be held on a plot of land in the Shakat tract. For this purpose, 14 horses, plows, seeds of wheat, oats, millet, buckwheat, melons were bought, the school purchased agricultural equipment at its own expense: a chaise, cart, sleigh and horse harness.

The students’ clothing consisted of calico shirts and teak underpants, a winter fur hat, a summer yark hat, a summer coat and a winter fur coat. The beds consisted of wooden beds, feather pillows, mattresses, flannelette blankets, sheets, which were changed once a week. One student had meat-1 pound (410g), butter 25g., flour 1 pound per day, salt 3 pounds per year, cereals 3 \ 8 pounds, kortofel 1 bucket per week, in addition, eggs, salt and sugar were served- mandatory. 5116 rubles 80 kopecks were spent on the maintenance of the school per year. These are the first information about the school at the beginning of its existence. (According to the Pavlodar Museum of Local Lore).Subsequently, a 2-storey building was built for the school in the area of the Orthodox cemetery (now the City Garden).
At the beginning of the 20th century, besides Kazakhs, Tatars, Russians, Ukrainians, Germans, etc. studied at the school. In 1899-1903, Sabyu Sharipov studied at the school, who later became an outstanding public figure. A few years later, the future writer Vsevolod Ivanov studied at this school for only 1 year. In one of his autobiographical works, he described studying at school. The school existed until 1919 and finally closed in 1920. This was the end of the first page of our Pavlodar agricultural education.
But the seeds literally thrown into the ground by this school in the Shakat tract made it possible to create the Red Army Agricultural College, which was organized on June 26, 1967 according to Order No. 192 of May 24, 1967 by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kazakh SSR.
The creation of the Red Army Agricultural College is another page in the history of our college. It begins with the development of virgin and fallow lands. Near art . Krasnoarmeyka, during the years of virgin land, the Kuban state farm was organized, then the Pavlodar experimental station for soil protection from erosion. The director of which was appointed Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, laureate of the Lenin Prize Berestovsky Georgy Grigorievich. At his suggestion, the issue of creating an agricultural college in the village of Krasnoarmeyka for the training of agronomists was considered, which was opened by the resolution of the Central Committee of the CP of the Kazakh SSR and the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR No. 192 dated 05/24/1967.
The first director of the college was Elubaev Amen Elubaevich.                     

The first teachers of the college were: Golub N.G., Konovalov Ya.E., Zlobina G.M., Peleshko I.P., Malyarchuk N.Ya., Chubatova L.A., Chubatov V.A., Nikulina M.A., Umirov E.B., Bogomolov V.G., Semenyuk N.K., Govorukha A.B., Ilinykh N.V., Shushpanov E.Ya., Golub L.P., Tuvardjieva L.V., Era L.G., Auzhanova M.Zh., Kuznetsova A.S., Uspensky A.G., Okolotova N.I., Bykov V.P., Klyuiko A.V., Molochko I.A., Gnateiko O.S., Kalyuzhny V.N., Shtelle V.K., Trofimov V.V., Kairov V.M., Tachanovsky A.E., Nikolaev V.N., Tachanovskaya N.M., Kungurova T.N., Kungurov Yu.M., Gubriy E.R., Klyuiko G.N., Nevzorova L.A., Grushevsky V.S., Knibaeva S.M., Aligozhin B.Z., Begezhanov B.B., Shalabaeva S.E., Sandybaev B.S., Kurmanaliev B.B., Ugryumova G.I., Herbert A.G., Etchberger V.A., Sospanova R.S., Barabash V.N., Trofimova N.K.

These teachers started their career with great enthusiasm. The students were taught in two shifts. In the first 10 years, 3,081 students graduated.

The second director of the college was Sabiev Baltabai Rakhimkhanovich
The third director of the college was Aripbayev Toleu Aripbayevich
The fourth director of the college was Dzhartybaev Serik Tleukhanovich

Over the years of its existence, our college has graduated more than 11 thousand agricultural specialists. Many of our graduates have become famous not only in our country and region, but also abroad.
These are such personalities:
1. Sapenov K.T. – President of Ai Su Corporation, Astana
2. Nurkin K.K. – Director of Kanat Ex LLP
3. Apakhanov B. – President of Remstroy LLP, Ekibastuz
4. Bakiev A.K. – Candidate of agriculture. Sciences’
5.Vasiliev E.V. – Chief agronomist of Pobeda LLP
6.Okatenko Yu.I. – head of Malinovka LLP Shcherbaktinsky district
7.Komar O.T. – Chief agronomist of the Osinova farm, Arsk Tatarstan
8. Zhakizhanov M.T. – head of the k\x “Isa” with\x Golubovsky Irtysh district
9. Kozhakhmetov T.A. – Chairman of “Nur Otan” of Pavlodar region
10. Smagulov S.K. – Akim of Shcherbaktinsky district
11.Shirotsky S.F. – Chief Engineer of Pobeda LLP
12. Khakimzhanova S.L. – IP for landscape design, Chelyabinsk, Russia
13. Zhanshukov M.O. – Vice-president of the agricultural holding company “El-Invest”
14. Bortnik G.G. – the first chairman of the party organization of the NDP “Nur Otan” of the Pavlodar region.
15. Irmulatov B.R. – Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Director of the Research Institute of Pavlodar region.
And many others.
Now the modern college has a good material and technical base equipped with everything necessary for high-quality training of specialists: two academic buildings, a dining room, a buffet, two dormitories, three computer rooms equipped with modern technology, fast Internet connection, interactive whiteboards are installed in classrooms, sports and gyms are well equipped, much attention is paid to the development of decorative and applied art. There are various interest groups. The college has a well-coordinated team of teachers. The teaching staff has a fairly high level of professionalism, creatively uses the latest information technologies, forms and methods of teaching, which undoubtedly affects the improvement of the quality indicators of the educational process. During the state certification of the college -2009, our graduates showed the quality of knowledge above the average, which is 4 points. Veterans of pedagogical work who started their career in the 70s and 80s and continue to work fruitfully in our and other colleges are: Gulvanskaya L.A., Auzhanova M.Zh., Shalabaeva S.E., Knibaeva S.M., Sandybaev B.Sh., Kulbuldinov S.T., Aripbaev T.A., Rakhmetulin E.B., Chenvaeva N.T., Sospanova R.Sh., Amerkulova R.I., Asylbekov B.G., Abdrakhmanov K.E., Chermazovich V.K., KanapyanovaK.I., Gibadullina A.L., Ismagulova M.M., Boikova T.P.

They are dedicated people, highly qualified specialists and teachers, who successfully implement the principle of dualism in their activities: combining theory and practice in teaching.
The main motto of our teachers is “Teaching to educate and develop!” They do not forget the words of V. Sukhomlinsky: “No one surprises a teenager so much, no one so strongly encourages the desire to become a better person as a smart, intelligent, rich and generous person.
The mind is brought up by the mind, conscience by conscience, devotion to the Motherland by effective service to the Motherland.”
The purpose of the educational work of the college is to create guaranteed socio-economic, political, legal, organizational conditions for the formation of Kazakhstani patriotism, citizenship, tolerance, spiritual and moral, physically healthy, socially active personality.
In the direction of the socialization of the student’s personality and the organization of free time space, the work of student self-government was established. The work of sports sections is organized. College-wide evenings and holidays are held, discos for students and local youth are held weekly.
In the direction of civil and patriotic education, the “Day of Knowledge”, the essay contest “The Constitution is the guarantor of independence and prosperity of Kazakhstan”, “Republic Day”, the Festival of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, “Day of Languages”, “Independence Day”, the celebration of “Nauryz-Meiramy”, Defender of the Fatherland Day (Victory Day), the Day of Legal knowledge and many other activities.
Various events are held in the direction of multicultural, aesthetic, spiritual and moral education. A vivid example of this is the performance of our students, in the KVN between the Pavlodar and Shcherbakty districts. KVN was held in two stages, first our team went to Shcherbakty, and then their team paid a return visit and in addition, the team of the Red Army School took part in the game in both cases, with an independent jury, our students took first place. The KVN spring Games were held within the framework of the KVN district cup in our village of Krasnoarmeyka between the teams of the villages of Rozovka, Novoyamyshevo, Zarya and Krasnoarmeyka, where our team also took an active part in these games, taking prizes and receiving valuable prizes.
The college has two dormitories for nonresident students. Work in the dormitory this year has set its goals to rally students into a friendly team. Taking care of the life and health of students. Teach students to live in a team and fulfill uniform requirements for the rules of living in a hostel and others.
The new academic year in the hostel begins with a dating evening where students can meet and establish friendly relations with each other in a relaxed atmosphere. During the same period, students’ personal files are studied, individual conversations are conducted with them, lists of students by rooms and groups are compiled. Organizational meetings are regularly held in the dormitory, on attendance, discipline and sanitary condition of the rooms. The issue of information leaflets has been established. Students are on duty in the dormitory according to the schedule. Once a month, a review is held for the best room. Our honey. The employee K.K. Aubakirova established control over the sanitary condition of the rooms, the release of a sanitary bulletin, as well as control over the general health of students.
In order to develop national sports, the college organized the work of the “Kazaksha Kures” section under the guidance of A.V. Vakpaev, a coach of the CMC, college students were able to achieve impressive results in a fairly short time, becoming repeated winners of district and regional competitions. Mutalyapov Tlectes, a first-year student, took first place in the Republican competitions in “Kazaksha kures”.

A special place in the history of the college has the planting of the park, the most beautiful in the Red Army. We must remember with what enthusiasm teachers and students worked. Seedlings of poplars and maples were planted, flower beds were laid out.

“We know our park will be
We know the garden is blooming
When there are such people in the Red Army”

             Landscaping of the village is carried out annually according to the “Zhasyl El” program. Grow and get prettier, except poplars, firs and pines, the flower garden has become more diverse. In 2010, in honor of the 65th anniversary of the Victory, 65 seedlings were planted by war and labor veterans, teachers and students. The organizer of this action was the teacher of the NVP Arintaev M.P. And a new tradition has also appeared, in order to organize leisure and improve the academic performance of students, the best of them are awarded with an excursion trip to the capital of our state – Astana. Students visit the sights of our capital – religious buildings: the Pyramid of Unity and Harmony, the Museum of the first president, recreation places – Bayterek, Duman entertainment center, Mega Supermarket and other memorable places.

            Today, the Red Army Agricultural and Technical College (KATK) is a real forge of personnel of domestic agriculture. It is one of the oldest educational institutions of Pavlodar region, but at the same time one of the most modern. Innovations, dual training are being actively introduced here, and an international exchange of experience is underway. Therefore, all young specialists graduated from the college find work in a specialty. The College is one of the leading educational institutions in the training of qualified personnel for the agricultural sector of the economy in the region.
Over 47 years of the college’s activity, over 12 thousand in-demand specialists have been trained for the village.
Currently, the contingent of the educational institution is 679 people, 443 students are studying by state order, 131 by grants from agricultural enterprises. For nonresidents, a hostel with 360 seats is provided. The annual increase in the number of students indicates the demand for personnel. On the basis of the college, work is underway to create an industry (resource) center in the specialty “1513000-Veterinary Medicine”.
The College is a participant of the projects “International cooperation”, “Plan of institutional development of the specialty “Veterinary Medicine” within the framework of the project “Modernization of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
The College was awarded a letter of thanks from the German Academy of Agriculture “Deula-Nienburg” (Nienburg, Germany) for mutual cooperation.
The college was awarded a diploma from the Department of Agriculture of Pavlodar region for innovation and creativity in training personnel for agriculture.
The college was awarded a diploma for active participation in the First auction of breeding animals of Pavlodar region
The College was awarded a letter of thanks from the Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers in the Pavlodar region for fruitful cooperation on improving the dual training system as one of the areas of modernization of the VET system.
The personnel training system should be constantly improved and developed. An important role in this direction is played by the exchange of experience, especially with those states that have succeeded in building educational systems. In particular, one of the leaders in this area is Germany.
Germany is considered to be a recognized leader in the organization of dual training, where the vocational education system is distinguished by a developed institute of mentoring, practice-oriented training and active participation of business in personnel training. The experience of this country serves as a model for the whole world.
Today, the Red Army College, studying the experience of the German vocational education system, uses all available resources and works on introducing innovations into the educational process.
In order to study and borrow world experience, a joint project with the German Academy of Agriculture “DEULA” (Nienburg, Germany) has been implemented in the region since 2011.
DEULA is the largest international educational center in Germany, which is engaged in advanced training of specialists of the agro-industrial complex. The company DEULA-Nienburg (German Academy of Agriculture) has a modern training center. The training program is focused on professional training and advanced training of specialists in the field of agriculture.
A Memorandum of mutual cooperation was signed between the Akimat of Pavlodar region and the German Academy of Agriculture DEULA-Nienburg, within the framework of which measures are provided for the organization of industrial practices of students, teacher internships, advanced training courses for teachers of special disciplines and heads of agricultural formations of the region in Germany.
Since the signing of the Memorandum, 14 teachers of special disciplines of the Red Army Agricultural and Technical College have completed advanced training courses at the German Academy of Agriculture Deula. The following issues were raised during the seminars:

– Planning and organization of practical training for students of agricultural specialties abroad;
– Application of internationally recognized certification methods in the framework of exchange projects for students of agricultural specialties;
– Opportunities and plans for professional development of the teaching staff through international exchange of experience;
– Modern methods of production of agricultural machinery and food, modern teaching methods;
– Possibilities of using renewable energy sources and ways of their application in agriculture.

Currently, 25 college students have completed paid industrial practice in the dual form of training at leading agricultural enterprises in Germany in the following specialties:
⦁ 1513000 “Veterinary” -11 people.
⦁ 1510000 “Mechanization of agriculture” -7 people.
⦁ 1502000 “Agronomy” – 5 people.
0515000 “Management by industry”-2 people.
A striking example of active cooperation in the implementation of elements of the dual training system are the following social partners: Pavlodar Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture, Galitsky LLP of the Uspensky district, Pobeda LLP of the Shcherbaktinsky district, MTS Kolos LLP, PC Lugansk, GS agri eG – producer of feed products of fertilizers, seed materials, plant protection products, Masterrid GmbH is Germany’s leading cattle breeding company.
For example, last year, 25 students with an average monthly salary of 60 thousand tenge completed paid internship at the Siberian Farm, and this year the salary of interns amounted to more than 100 thousand tenge.
Thanks to the support of employers, 142 contracts are being implemented between the educational institution and the enterprises of the region, more than 150 jobs have been provided for internships with subsequent employment, which allowed the employment rate to reach 91%.
Over the past three years, the amount of college funding, including per student, has increased 1.2 times.
In the period from 2011 to 2014, more than 203 million tenge was allocated for the UMTB and the overhaul of the college.
Within the framework of the project “Modernization of technical and vocational education” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2012, the college became the owner of a grant in the amount of 380.0 thousand dollars in the specialty “Veterinary Medicine”. The educational institution has acquired modern equipment necessary for the training of highly qualified veterinary specialists, a laboratory of veterinary surgery has been launched, where future veterinarians master the work with the ultra-sound scanner “Doppler” with great interest. An educational greenhouse complex has been erected as one of the elements of the introduction of dual training for the specialty “Agronomy”, where college students apply their first experience in greenhouse farming.
The college is equipped with an interactive information module TEKRI MOTION, which allows virtually all technological operations: maintenance and repair of tractors, installation and adjustment of agricultural machines, a multimedia podium with an interactive LED panel.
The success of the Red Army Agricultural and Technical College is the merit of the teaching staff. In September, the Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers of Pavlodar region noted the methodical work of teachers Gulnar Bekenova and Kuandyk Bazhenov. In October, the Institute presented a letter of thanks to the entire staff of the college for improving the dual training system.
In 2014, honorary diplomas and letters of thanks from the Education Department of Pavlodar region were awarded to teachers: Marina Zhumabekova, Ainur Beisembayeva, Kuandyk Bazhenov, Zhanat Sarbasov, Bekbalta Asylbekov, Gulnar Musayeva and Vasily Bagrov.